Skateboard Authority

5 Workouts For Skateboarders Step by Step With Pictures

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To develop the skill that you need to become a professional skateboarder, you need to train your body. Workout exercises for skateboarders enable you to develop strength, jump higher, move faster, increase balance, stability, improve your ability to avoid injury, and a lot of other benefits.

Professional skateboarders need to be at the top of their game, and while regular daily skateboard practice is necessary, adding supplementary cardiovascular exercise to your routine improves your ability, with most professional skateboarders starting to see remarkable results from the second to the third week.

The five 5 workout exercises that professional skateboarders need to perform include

  • Strength training
  • Condition training
  • Balance training
  • Core training
  • Leg training

1. Strength Training Exercise for Skateboarders

Strength training for skateboarders graphic

Strength training helps to improve your all-around physical fitness. It is also called resistance training as you need to move your body over some sort of resistance such as your bodyweight, dumbbells, resistance bands, or resistance machines in the gym. With skateboarding being a sport where injury can occur, strength workout training helps to reduce the risk of injury.

Strength workout exercises are very generic and you can perform them just about anywhere. While the gym will have machines to help you target particular parts of your body, you can just as well prepare an exercise routine that you can perform at home.

According to research conducted at the Mayo Clinic strength training enables you to

  • Build lean muscle mass
  • Raise your energy level
  • Improve your posture, balance, and stability
  • Increase your bone density and bone health
  • Improve cognitive function
  • Boost your metabolism and make weight loss easier
  • Burn calories more efficiently
  • Reduce the symptoms of back pain, arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease.

Some examples of strength training workout exercises for professional skateboarders include

1.1. Lunges workout

Lunge exercise gif

Lunges are great for improving the overall athletic ability of a professional skateboarder. It helps to work the back, hips, legs including your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Lunges are great for improving your mobility and stability.

To perform this workout,

  • Stand up straight with your feet apart shoulder width
  • Place your hands on your waist
  • Take a step forward with your right foot, and lower your hips toward the floor until your right leg is at a 90-degree angle and your left foot is parallel to the floor
  • Ensure that your spine is upright
  • Hold this position for 5 seconds
  • Then take a step back with your right foot until you are standing in the upright position.
  • Repeat this with the right foot and reverse 12 times

If you are at the gym you can pick up a dumbbell and hold it freely at your sides, stand comfortably and perform the lunge. Also, rather than stepping forward (forward lunge), you can step backward to perform a backward lunge.

1.2. Squats workout

Squats exercise gif

Squatting is a great compound exercise that works the whole lower body mass. It works the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves while also strengthening the ligaments that support your main leg muscles which improves your balance and stability.

To perform this workout,

  • Stand erect with your feet apart shoulder width
  • Hold your arms out in front of you
  • Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Imagine yourself sitting on an invisible chair
  • Stay in this position for 2 seconds
  • Drive your heels to the floor and push your body upwards until you return to the erect position
  • Perform this workout 10 times

There are several variations of squats. The squat which I have described above is the regular squat and helps you to build cardiovascular strength.

1.3. Dumbbell triceps kickbacks workout

Dumbbell triceps kickback

This exercise is great to build your injury tolerance. Skateboarders tend to have injuries in their knees, elbows, and shoulders. The dumbbell tricep kickback exercise works your triceps as well as your shoulder muscles. This is very important to fill in muscles into the joints that are usually used during skateboarding.

To perform this workout,

  • Grab two dumbbells and hold one in each hand
  • Bend your torso so that it is at a 45-degree angle to the floor
  • Bend your elbow so that it is at a 90-degree angle
  • Then straighten your arms out directly behind you, engaging your core and triceps as you go
  • Hinge the weight at your elbow, lifting the dumbbell up and back as you try to keep your arms straight
  • Perform this workout 8 times

2. Condition Training Exercise for Skateboarders

Condition training for skateboarders graphic

The body conditioning training workout exercises target your whole body, using lots of different muscles to strengthen, shape, and tone your body with flexibility, strength, and resistance training exercises. Body conditioning improves your endurance which enables you to skate for longer, it increases your flexibility which enables you to perform tricks, and tones your body to have a balanced physique which enables you to perform everyday activities safely and efficiently. This is extremely important for the overall health and fitness of a professional skateboarder.

Performing these exercises regularly helps to build power, coordination, and speed. This allows for better spatial awareness and quick response while skateboarding.

Some examples of condition training workout exercises for professional skateboarders include

2.1. Jump squats workout

Jump squats

This exercise increases your blood flow and heart rate. It is great for improving your blood circulation and strengthening your heart muscles. This is a plyometric conditioning exercise that works the muscles in your glutes, legs, and abs. An 8-week study conducted in 2016 on 68 men discovered that jump squat training done 3 times a week for 8 weeks had the following effect

  • Increased sprint time
  • Explosive strength
  • Increase in vertical jump height
  • Improved max strength
  • Increase in endurance

To perform this workout,

  • Stand up straight with your feet apart shoulder width
  • Slowly lower your body down into a squat position
  • Extend your arms before you
  • Stretch your body and as you extend yourself into the air while jumping
  • Land back down on your feet quietly and lower your body to the squat position
  • Perform this exercise 15 times

2.2. Mountain climbers workout

Mountain climbers exercise for skateboarders

The mountain climbers workout is a great compound conditioning exercise that is great for building cardiovascular endurance, core strength, and agility. You don't need to climb a mountain to perform this exercise. It is a simple exercise that you can perform at home with no equipment.

To perform this workout,

  • Begin in a plank position
  • Keep your spine straight and engage your core
  • Extend your right knee toward your chest and plant your left foot firmly to the ground
  • Hold this position for a second
  • Return to the starting position
  • Switch your knee and repeat the exercise
  • Perform this exercise 8 times

2.3. Lateral lunges workout

Lateral lunges exercise for skateboarders

This is a great conditioning workout that helps you to develop balance, stability, and strength. It works the muscles along the side of your leg, targeting your inner and outer thighs, hips, and glutes. Side lunges train the body to move side to side which is the typical motion experienced during skateboarding.

To perform this workout,

  • Stand up straight with your feet apart shoulder width
  • Hold your hands together at the front of your chest
  • Take a wide step with your legs to the right, keeping your torso facing forward and your feet flat on the ground
  • Bend your right knee in the extended position and stretch your left leg, keeping it straight
  • Hold this position for 2 seconds
  • Raise your body back to the standing position
  • Repeat the same action with your left leg
  • Perform this exercise 16 times

3. Balance Training Exercise for Skateboarders

Balance training for skateboarders graphic

Balance exercise training workouts strengthen the muscles that help increase your coordination, improve your stability, mobility, flexibility, and make it easier to perform skateboarding tricks. Balance training workout exercises can be intense and they involve working the lower back, core, and legs. Balance exercises can be performed anywhere not necessarily in a gym as they do not require any special equipment.

Some examples of balance training workout exercises for professional skateboarders include

3.1. Flamingo stand workout

Flamingo stand workout exercise for skateboarders

This flamingo stand is one of the best exercises to improve your balance and stability. It requires you to stand on one leg for some time. This puts pressure on your leg, which builds the muscles on your thighs and feet and improves the motor coordination of your body.

To perform this workout,

  • Stand on your left leg with your right leg lifted
  • Use a resistance band to apply pressure on your legs as you stretch your right leg forward
  • Maintain good posture by keeping your spine, neck, and head straight
  • Hold this position for about 5 seconds
  • Repeat this exercise for the left leg
  • Perform this exercise 20 times

3.2. Banded triplanar toe taps workout

Banded triplanar toe taps workout exercise for skateboarders

This exercise strengthens the muscles in your leg and glutes allowing you to move faster and with ease. It improves your reaction time immensely. This means that if you slip, stumble or fall, your body will automatically try to re-balance to avoid falling.

To perform this workout,

  • Place a resistance band around your lower thigh just above your knees
  • Lower your body into a single-leg quarter squat on your right leg
  • Engage your core and hip muscles
  • Allow the resistance band to bring you back to the standing position
  • Repeat this exercise for the left leg
  • Perform this exercise 20 times

3.3. Pallof press with rotation workout

Pallof press workout exercise for skateboarders

This exercise helps you to develop a stable core. It is especially great for helping with skateboard tricks that involve spinning because it helps to build the core strength to cope with twists and turns without getting injured.

To perform this workout,

  • Stand with both feet facing the cable machine
  • Use both hands to pull the resistance cable towards your chest
  • Walk towards the right side and extend your arms away from your body
  • Keep your arms extended and return to the starting position
  • Repeat this exercise for the left side
  • Perform this exercise 20 times

4. Core Training Exercise for Skateboarders

Core training for skateboarders graphic

Core exercise training workouts strengthen the muscles in the abdominal area and back. This includes muscles such as the rectus abdominis, obliques, transverse abdominis, multifidus, pelvic floor, diaphragm, glutes, and so on. Core exercises help stabilize the body, support the spine and enhance overall fitness.

Some examples of core training workout exercises for professional skateboarders include

4.1. Single leg resistance band deadlift workout

Single leg resistance band deadlift workout for skateboarders

The single-leg resistance band deadlift exercise works your spine and the entire back of your body including your hamstring, and butt. This is a compound exercise that requires you to make use of a resistance band. Working multiple muscles at once makes this exercise important for gaining strength. It is very close to a full-body workout that works your core. Over time, a single-leg resistance band deadlift helps to improve stability on a skateboard.

To perform this workout,

  • Stand up straight with your feet together
  • Loop the resistance band under your left foot and hold the other end of the hand in your right hand so that when you stand up straight the band is in tension
  • Bend forward with the right foot extending behind you and the band in compression
  • Hold this position for about 3 seconds
  • Return to the start position with the band now in tension
  • Perform this exercise 20 times
  • Repeat this exercise for the right leg

4.2. The breakdancer workout

Breakdancer workout for skateboarders

The breakdancer exercise works your arms, butt, and legs. Over time, it helps to improve your physical motor coordination. This is particularly important as you accelerate and decelerate when changing directions quickly. This is a motion that is performed quite often when skateboarding.

To perform this workout,

  • Start on the plank position with your arms under your shoulder and knees stacked under your hips
  • Lift your legs slightly off the ground
  • Keeping your butt low, extend your right leg underneath your torso, while rotating your body to open up to the left side.
  • When your right leg is fully extended, stretch out your left hand to touch your toe.
  • Repeat this exercise for the left leg
  • Perform this exercise 12 times

4.3. Half kneeling wood chop workout

Half kneeling wood chop workout for skateboarders

The half-kneeling wood chop workout exercise primarily targets the obliques and to a lesser degree also targets the abs and lower back. It requires you to work on the transverse plane. It is a great skateboard exercise that works the core more intensely than other workout exercises. If you feel pain upon performing this exercise, decrease your range of motion and slow down your speed. Also, you can reduce the weight of the dumbbell that you are using.

To perform this workout,

  • Start at a kneeling position with one foot forward and your back straight
  • Pick up a dumbbell weight diagonally up towards the ceiling on the opposite side of your body twisting your abs as you do. Keep your hips facing forward - only your core muscles should be rotating.
  • Bring the weight back down to the starting position
  • Perform this exercise 12 times
  • Switch the knee and perform the reps on the other side

5. Leg Training Exercise for Skateboarders

Leg training for skateboarders graphic

The leg is the most used limb in skateboarding, therefore leg exercise training workouts are extremely important. Almost all of the skateboard training workout exercises benefit the legs in one way or the other. Building strong leg muscles will enable you to achieve balance, stability, boost your lifts, pop, improve your mobility, build strength, power, and mass. Injuries are less prone and the stability and overall fitness of the body increases. Leg exercises can be more challenging than most upper body exercises and the results are slower to visualize and are not as satisfying in the short term.

Some examples of leg training workout exercises for professional skateboarders include

5.1. Leg press workout

Leg press workout for skateboarders

The leg press workout exercise uses the leg press which is a machine that can be found in most gyms. The seat is reclined at an angle and you need to push on to a weight with your legs at a diagonal position. The leg press machine is used for your leg strengthening routine. It works the quadriceps, Maximus, hamstrings, thighs, glutes, and calves. By varying your foot position on the machine, you can emphasize different muscles, allowing you to target the muscles in your hamstrings and calves that give you stability, balance and enable you to perform skateboard tricks.

To perform this workout,

  • Sit on the machine with your body and head resting comfortably on the padded support
  • Place your feet on the footplate about hip wide apart while ensuring that your heels are flat
  • Ensure that your butt and back are sitting comfortably on the press are not raised or arched
  • Brace your abdominal muscle and stretch your leg, pushing the platform away with your heels. Your heels should remain flat on the footplate
  • When your feet are stretched, pause your movement and hold this position for 2 seconds
  • Return the footplate to the starting position by gradually bending your knees. Keep your heels flat throughout
  • Perform this exercise 10 times

5.2. Walking lunge with dumbbells workout

Walking lunge with dumbbells workout for skateboarders

A walking lunge with dumbbell workout exercise is an excellent functional exercise for strengthening the lower body. They work the muscles used most often during skateboarding such as the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves, abdominals, and hips. It helps improve your posture, balance, and endurance during high-intensity skateboarding sessions. Walking lunges with dumbbells require more balance coordination than static lunges. It is generally safe for most people, but there is a risk of injury due to a loss of balance which results from not performing the workout correctly. If just starting, you should start with static lunges, then later proceed to do 10 to 12 walking lunges at a time before using dumbbells.

To perform this workout,

  • Stand up straight on your feet while holding two dumbbells on each hand, while keeping your arms at the side of your body and keeping your torso straight. Try to avoid leaning forward or backward too much
  • Keep your arms relaxed and facing down under the weight of the dumbbells throughout the exercise
  • Step forward with your right leg putting your weight into your heel
  • Keep your core engaged throughout the entire lunge
  • As your right foot touches the floor, bend your right knee, lowering your body into a kneeling position
  • Don't overextend your leg when you lunge forward. This can cause your back to arch. Your back and torso should remain straight
  • Lift your body with your feet and move your left leg forward, keeping your body straight
  • Perform the same forward walking movement with your left leg
  • Perform this workout 12 times in 2 sets

5.3. Box jump workout

Box jump workout for skateboarders

Box jump workouts are an excellent exercise to boost your explosive power, enabling you to jump higher, which greatly improves your pop, balance, and coordination. This is an advanced leg exercise that should only be done after you have developed a baseline of leg strength by performing the other exercises. It targets all of the muscle groups of your lower body including your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. Box jump exercises require a lot of energy which means that it burns a lot of calories. It pushes your muscles to the max, and with time your vertical jump range increases. Box jump workouts are very simple. The key is to start with small size boxes to get accustomed to the movement, then later add to it as your level of confidence and strength increases.

To perform this workout,

  • Stand up straight with the box one step in front of you
  • Bend your knees slightly and bring your arms behind you in a jumping posture
  • Drop your arms, stretch your legs, and use the momentum to propel your body upward and forward onto the box platform
  • Land softly on both feet with a slight bend in your knees
  • Step back down from the platform and repeat the exercise
  • Perform this workout 8 times

Rex Anthony

Rex is one of the guys behind Skateboard Authority. He has been Skateboarding for more than 10 years now. During his free time, you will find him grinding some rails at the skate park. He write articles that help you level up your skateboarding skill to give you the confidence to take on more challenges like the pros.

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